Olga Chulkova
Other, Student Academy of Architecture, Amsterdam
What is a definition of space?
In physics, space is a boundless three-dimensional extent. At the global level, it is the cosmos, the universe. At the human level, we can define space as the air around us, the openness of nature. In architecture, the term ‘architectural space’ refers to the space inside and outside an architectural object. Everyone has his/her own internal architectural space, which we call home. It can be defined as part of global space enclosed by an architectural object.
Architecture separates space inside and outside.
But can we find an architectural tool to physically connect inner and outer space, making it one continuous global space again?
This tool is the window!
When we open the window, we make our private inner space part of global space. But it doesn’t give a sense of being outside, because you only see the outside world framed by the window. The window frame allows you to connect inside and outside space, but at the same time it limits the perception of outside space.
The Vedute manuscript – frame – was created as a representation of the idea of the window as an architectural tool, connecting and separating inside and outside space. The form of the frame is the answer to the question: how will a simple frame with the dimensions 320 x 440 millimetres, 18 mm thick, change when two of its corners meet the third dimension of the Vedute manuscript – 70mm – in such a way that it remains continuous and all sides remain straight. I was inspired by the impossible forms and explorations of infinity of O. Reutersvӓrd and R. Penrose, the graphic works of M.C. Escher and the sculptures of V. Koleichuk.
The transformation method for the frame was found in a series of studies in 3D. All the outer corners of the frame fit the ‘Vedute box’ precisely. The creation of the physical frame required maximum precision. It was made from redwood by Konstantin Potanov.
Frame allows us to become part of the space behind it and visually frames it. The artefact is charming in its geometry. It is mathematical and artistic.