Jacqueline Verhaagen
Collection: Colour & Space

My starting point for approaching the theme colour and space was the colour I have a great predilection for: blue, ‘that colour which evokes a singular sensation: of longing, of the unnameable and the unattainable’ (according to Gerrit Komrij in his essay for the NRC ‘The colour of poets’).

I use this colour time and again in my work, for emotional rather than rational reasons. My ‘space’ refers therefore not so much to a constructed (architectural) space, as to a space that symbolizes emotion and feelings as the main motive for action, the heart.

An opal blue glass heart. Intended to be held in both hands (two hands like a nest). Wrapped in a protective cloth. The dimensions are derived from those of the manuscript, whose ground plan is stitched in the cloth.
